Listserv Message Center

Invitation to Get Free Data |
Posted by: | Jon Krosnick |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | Stanford University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | September 14th, 2007 |
We are writing to invite you to propose questions to be asked on the 2008 American National Election Study national survey (called the "2008 Time Series" survey), at no cost to you.
The 2008 ANES will continue a 50+ year tradition of interviewing a large, nationally representative sample of American adults face-to-face in their homes for over an hour twice, once just before the 2008 election and again just afterward.
Design of the questionnaires for the 2008 ANES survey will be shaped by proposals and comments submitted to the ANES Online Commons (OC), an online submission system that allows anyone to read the proposals and comments. The OC will equip the ANES to maximize the quality and scientific value of ANES surveys and encourage the submission of new ideas from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology.
The ANES Online Commons is now accepting proposals for the 2008 ANES Time Series study, and it will stop accepting new proposals at 3:00 pm EST on January 15, 2008. For additional information about how to submit a proposal and the proposal evaluation process, please visit:
This opportunity is open to anyone who wants to make a constructive contribution to the development of ANES surveys. Feel free to pass this invitation along to anyone who you think might be interested. We hope to hear from you!
Jon A. Krosnick and Arthur Lupia
Principal Investigators
American National Election Studies
P.S. As an alternative to the Online Commons, you can also add content to the 2008 ANES Time Survey by paying for "Bonus Minutes." This program allows you to purchase survey minutes. For more information on this program, please visit the announcement on the ANES website at location:
The ANES is funded by the National Science Foundation (www.nsf.gov).