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 3d International Conference on e-Social Science
Posted by: Thomas A. Finholt
Title/Position: Associate Dean for Research
School/Organization: School of Information, University of Michigan
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 13th, 2007

Final call for participation
3rd International Conference on e-Social Science
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
October 7-9, 2007

This is the final call to register for the Third International Conference on e-Social Science. The conference program includes over 50 papers from leading researchers at the intersection of cyberinfrastructure and social science. The papers span a range of topics including: computational and data grids; social computing; social network analysis; modeling and simulation of social behavior; GIS and spatial analysis; online survey methods; online experiments; and ethnographic studies of cyberinfrastructure projects. The conference is sponsored by the NSF with the cooperation of the UK ESRC.

The conference also includes an exciting list of invited panelists, including: Marc Smith (Microsoft Research), Nosh Contractor (Northwestern), Katy Borner (Indiana), Julia Lane (University of Chicago), Michael Macy (Cornell), Tony Hey (Microsoft), Diana Rhoten (NSF), and David Lightfoot (NSF SBE).

Keynote speakers include: Dan Atkins (NSF), Roberta Balstad (Columbia), and Carole Goble (University of Manchester).

There is also an interesting workshop program, including a tutorial on grid computing presented by Ian Foster (University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory).

Learn more and register at:

Online registration will remain open through Monday, October 1.

Conference chair: Tom Finholt, University of Michigan
Program co-chairs: Gary Olson, University of Michigan; Rob Procter, University of Manchester

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