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 Research Assistant Opening in Social Neuroscience
Posted by: Malia Mason
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Columbia Business School
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: July 6th, 2007

*Research Assistant Opening in Social Neuroscience*

Applications are invited for a Research Assistantship. Research in the lab focuses primarily on understanding social perception using a combination of behavioral and functional brain imaging (fMRI) techniques.

Behavioral work will be conducted in Columbia Business School’s Behavioral Research Laboratory:

All MR scanning is carried out at the Functional MRI Research Center at Columbia University (

Responsibilities include recruiting and scheduling subjects, programming experiments, and analyzing data. The ideal candidate should have a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (e.g., psychology, neuroscience, or cognitive science), strong computer skills, and be exceptionally organized. Previous experience with Matlab and SPM are preferred but not required. Must be willing to commit to the position for 2 years.

Salary depends on experience and qualifications.

To apply please send a resume listing education and previous work positions, contact information for 3 academic and /or work references, an unofficial transcript of college courses and grades, and a short essay (e.g., 2 paragraphs) detailing your research interests and career goals.

Contact Information:

Professor Malia F. Mason

Columbia Business School
3022 Broadway
Uris Hall, Room 708
New York, NY 10028-6902

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