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 Vacancy in Psychology
Posted by: Natalie Wyer
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Plymouth
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 22nd, 2007

Lecturer in Psychology
Faculty of Science -- School of Psychology
Ref: A0198

Salary £27,465 to £39,160 pa - Grade 7/8

The School of Psychology is looking to make a permanent appointment to strengthen its current staffing. The School was ranked 5 in the last RAE and rated excellent in the last Teaching Quality Assessment. You are likely to have a demonstrated track record of research excellence in Psychology.

We welcome applications from strong candidates in any area of psychology. Currently, the School has established research groups in the areas of Thinking and Reasoning, Memory, Health, Vision, Applied Cognition, Language Development and Social Psychology. You would be expected to be able to contribute to one of these research groups, or be involved in the establishment of a new research grouping.

You must be willing and able to join the School by 1 October 2007, at the latest.

The interviews will be held on 16 & 17 July 2007.

For an informal discussion, please contact Professor Tim Perfect, Head of School by email although applications must be made in accordance with the details shown on the front of this Bulletin.

Closing Date: 12 Noon, Monday 25 June 2007

Job description and further particulars may be obtained at:

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