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 Division 8 Program for APA 2007
Posted by: C. Raymond Knee (Chip)
Title/Position: APA Division 8 Program Chair
School/Organization: University of Houston
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: April 19th, 2007

Division 8 Programming at the APA Convention
San Francisco, August 17-20, 2007

This year's Division 8 program at the APA convention includes invited addresses and symposia by leading researchers in personality and social psychology. In addition to the Presidential Address to be given by Harry Reis, the program also features talks by Roy Baumeister, Marilyn Brewer, Bertram Cohler, Lisa Diamond, Greg Herek, Timothy Loving, Michael Zarate, and Phil Zimbardo. Division 8 is also co-sponsoring several presidential symposia organized by Sharon Brehm, and a cross-cutting symposium on self-regulation. These events and many more await you in San Francisco.

We encourage personality and social psychologists to attend the meeting and continue to promote the science of Division 8. More information about the program, including a list of symposia, can be found on the SPSP website at:

To register for the convention, visit the convention web site at:

Come join us in beautiful San Francisco!

C. Raymond Knee (Chip)
APA Division 8 Program Chair

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