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 Visiting Assistant Professor in Social Psychology
Posted by: Shana Levin
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Claremont McKenna College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 18th, 2007

Faculty Job Opportunity
Visiting Assistant Professor in Social Psychology
Claremont McKenna College
Department URL:
Contact person: Patty Castro (


Claremont McKenna College invites applications for a visiting one-year position in social psychology for the 2007-2008 academic year. The successful applicant will teach five classes over the course of a two-semester academic year. The applicant will likely teach two introduction to psychology classes, two social psychology classes, and an upper-level course in their area of interest. The applicant will also be asked to supervise a small number of undergraduate senior theses in psychology. A Ph.D. in psychology is required for this position.

Procedures and Timetable:

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a teaching statement, and relevant teaching evaluations to Social Psychology Search Committee Chair, Claremont McKenna College, 850 Columbia Ave, Claremont, CA 91711. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Claremont McKenna College is a highly selective undergraduate institution ranked among the top liberal arts colleges nationally. CMC is a member of the Claremont Colleges, which also include Pomona, Scripps, Pitzer, Harvey Mudd, the Claremont Graduate University and the Keck Graduate Institute for Applied Science. Collectively, The Claremont Colleges constitute and academic community of 6,000 students. Claremont is located 35 miles east of Los Angeles.

Claremont McKenna College is an equal opportunity employer.

Claremont McKenna College hires and promotes individuals on the basis of their qualifications, consistent with applicable state and federal laws, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, or sexual orientation. Inquiries may be directed to the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources, 400 N. Claremont Blvd., Claremont, California 91711-4015, (909) 621-8490.

Employment is contingent upon new employee providing documents verifying U.S. citizenship or, for others, documents verifying legal permission to work in the United States.

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