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 SESP 2007 Program -- Call for Proposals
Posted by: Toni Schmader
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Arizona
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: April 4th, 2007

SESP 2007 Program -- Call for Proposals

The 2007 SESP conference will take place October 11-13 in Chicago, Illinois. The conference site will be at the Westin Hotel at 909 North Michigan Avenue. Participants will be able to visit any of a number of renowned museums including the Chicago Art Institute, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, and Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design; dine during a special evening event at the Chicago John G. Shedd Aquarium; walk or jog along the Lake Shore or walk the Magnificent Mile, and sample other attractions in Chicago before, during, and after the conference.

The conference is being hosted by the University of Chicago. For details on the 2007 meeting, consult the general SESP web site ( or contact John Cacioppo of the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago (

This year's Program Committee consists of Toni Schmader (Chair), Shelly Gable, Michael Kernis, Laurie Rudman, and John Cacioppo.

As always, members are invited to submit symposia. We are particularly interested in symposia that provide new ways of looking at topics, that include both established as well as younger members of SESP, and that attempt to link areas of interest that are not normally connected. All symposia must allow at least as much time for discussion as for presentation.

To propose a symposium, please submit (via email) titles, abstracts, and affiliations for each presenting author, as well as a paragraph describing the symposium theme. Please send proposals to the program committee chair, Toni Schmader at ( For further information, please feel free to contact members of the program committee (Shelly Gable, Michael Kernis, Laurie Rudman, and John Cacioppo).

Note: All proposals for symposia must be received by Friday, May 25, 2007.

Additional Information: The duration of symposia will be 1 hour and 45 minutes. Because of the above rule regarding discussion time, symposia should normally only include 3 presenters (4 maximum). The SESP Executive Committee has decided to restrict individuals to only one primary speaking role on the main program (although you may be a coauthor on more than one paper). In addition, no more than one guest can participate as a speaker in any given symposium, although exceptions can be made for discussants and for speakers from other disciplines.

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