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 Conference Call for Papers
Posted by: Joseph Priester
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Southern California
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 13th, 2007

2007 Advertising and Consumer Psychology:
New Frontiers in Branding: Attitudes, Attachments, and Relationships
Santa Monica, CA, June 7-9, 2007

Much of consumer research has focused on the question of how individuals behave towards brands. Indeed, substantial research has focused on factors that predict brand behavior—factors such as attitudes, relationships, attachment, and commitment. While all of this work is relevant to brand behavior, study of these constructs and their linkage to brand behavior has developed often independently from one another, with limited understanding of their potential interconnections and implications for brands and brand strategy.

The goal of the conference is to bring together top researcher-scholars in a single-track conference that enables theoretical understanding of each area and that fosters dialogue on their potential inter-relationships and boundaries as antecedents to brand behavior, particularly as it might relate to branding and brand strategies. As such, the conference is designed to attract researchers from areas such as attitudes, relationships, and attachment. Please note that researchers need not have directly addressed the issue of brand in prior work, nor have conducted research that bridges these distinct areas. Rather, our goal is to acquaint one-another of the research being conducted within these streams and to foster research that bridges these different, often unconnected areas. Unlike other conferences, this is a single track conference designed to create an intimate atmosphere and foster interaction and exchange of ideas. We anticipate attendance of approximately 75 psychology and marketing scholars.

The conference will be held at the beautiful and luxurious Loew’s Santa Monica Hotel, just steps from the beach and rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean. The weather in Santa Monica in June is absolutely beautiful. Located in the heart of Santa Monica, the location affords access to some of the best dining, shopping, and playing in the city. You can check out the hotel at:

An edited volume of the Advertising and Consumer Psychology will result from the papers presented at the conference.

Submission Process. Please submit a one page summary of the work that you would present, along with the list of authors and author information, by 5:00 pm March 2, 2007, to Notification will be made by March 23rd.

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