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 Association for Consumer Research Conference
Posted by: Rebecca Ratner
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Maryland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: January 11th, 2007

Call for Papers for the 2007 Association for Consumer Research Conference

The 2007 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research will be held at the elegantly refurbished Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, from Thursday October 25 through Sunday October 28, 2007. As in past years, the conference will provide a forum for scholarly presentations, discussions, and collaborations on consumer behavior.

There will be six main forums for the presentation and discussion of research and scholarly thought. In addition to the five tracks to which submissions are sought, this year’s conference will feature a new forum called “Epistemic Sessions.”

(1) Competitive Paper Sessions include papers that represent the completed work of their authors. The ACR conference co-chairs assign accepted papers to Conference sessions that reflect similar scholarly interests.

(2) Symposia (previously titled “special sessions”) provide opportunities for focused attention on cutting-edge and important areas of research. Successful sessions feature research that crosses theoretical, methodological or substantive boundaries but offer a coherent perspective in building bridges across emerging substantive, theoretical, or methodological issues.

(3) Working Paper Track: Participants typically present preliminary findings from the early stages of a research program. Authors distribute their papers and display their findings poster-style in a plenary session.

(4) Roundtables: Encourage intensive participant discussions of consumer research topics, as well as disseminations of professional and technical skills.

(5) Film Festival: Presents edited video recordings on topics related to consumer behavior.

(6) Epistemic Sessions: The goal of the epistemic sessions is to provide a forum for researchers within a given theoretical paradigm to raise, debate and resolve contentious theoretical and methodological issues pertinent to their paradigm. While the featured speakers will be invited by session chairs, your input on issues for discussion will be sought closer to the date of the conference via a web discussion board.

Submission and Decision Deadlines

Submissions for competitive papers, symposia, working papers and roundtables must be received no later than Friday March 23, 2007. Notification of acceptance in these four categories will be made by Friday July 27, 2007. The entry deadline for Film Festival submissions is Friday April 13, 2007. Notification of accepted films will be June 1, 2007.

A detailed document announcing additional conference highlights and a call for submission are now available on the conference website: (Click on link ""Call for Submissions" in the left panel). It will also soon be made available on the main ACR website:

We look forward to seeing all of you in Memphis in October this year!


Angela Lee (Pepsico Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School, Northwestern University)
Dilip Soman (Corus Professor of Strategy and Professor of Marketing, Rotman School, University of Toronto)
ACR 2007 co-chairs

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