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 Personality Preconference
Posted by: William Fleeson
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Wake Forest University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 18th, 2006

Online registration is now open for the 2007 Association for Research in Personality Preconference. The preconference will be held from 5:00pm—9:00pm on Wednesday, January 24th, 2007, and 8:00am—4:00pm on Thursday, January 25th, 2007 in Memphis, Tennessee at the Memphis Marriott Hotel. Breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks are included.

Confirmed Speakers include:

Geradline Downey, Columbia University
Lea Anna Clark, University of Iowa
Tom Oltmanns, Washington University
Tom Widiger, University of Kentucky
Drew Westen, Emory University
William Graziano, Purdue University
Michael Robinson, North Dakota State
Ann Bettencourt, University of Missouri
Debbie Moskowitz, McGill University
Gerard Saucier, University of Oregon
Rebecca Shiner, Colgate University
Colin De Young, Yale University
Robert Hogan, University of Tulsa
Lew Goldberg, University of Oregon
Julie Norem, Wellesley College

Sessions include:
Keynote Address: Geraldine Downey
Poster Session with Cash Bar
Personality Pathology
Jack Block Award Symposium (Lew Goldberg, Winner): What Are the Most Fundamental Personality Dimensions? The Big Five and Alternatives
Construct in Focus: Agreeableness/Hostility
Lunch and Announcements
J. S. Tanaka Dissertation Award Winner
Presidential Roundtable: Pressing Topics in the Future of Personality Psychology

For registration, poster submission information, and further details, please link to:

See you all in Memphis,

William Fleeson
Wake Forest University
ARP 2007 Conference Organizer

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