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 Job in Social Psychology
Posted by: Scott Tindale
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Loyola University Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 9th, 2006

Please inform your students of the openings listed in the ad below.


Loyola University Chicago (LUC), Department of Psychology, invites applications for two faculty positions beginning Fall 2007. The first position is a tenure-track appointment in Clinical Psychology at the rank of assistant professor. We are particularly interested in applicants with expertise in emerging adulthood/late adolescence and research interests in the risky behaviors typical of this developmental period (e.g., alcohol/substance use or other health compromising behaviors).

The second position is a tenure-track position in Social Psychology at the rank of assistant professor. We are particularly interested in applicants with specialization in culture and/or diversity broadly defined, with a focus on applications to community issues. Applicants who could contribute to LUC’s interdisciplinary programs in Asian, Black World, Latin America, or Women’s Studies are especially welcome.

The Department of Psychology offers the baccalaureate degree and PhD programs in Clinical, Developmental, and Social Psychology. Successful candidates for both positions will be expected to teach and mentor at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Those who are able to teach graduate-level statistics courses are also welcome. Applicants should have a PhD in the appropriate area of psychology, and have a record of (or clear potential for) distinguished scholarship, grant-funded research, and student mentorship. Candidates for the Clinical position should be licensed or license-eligible. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2006, and continue until each position is filled. Candidates should send a letter of application detailing experience and interests, a current curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation. Application material should be sent to either:

Clinical Search Committee or Social Search Committee
Department of Psychology
Loyola University Chicago
6525 N. Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626

For further information, consult the University website: Loyola University Chicago, Chicago’s Jesuit Catholic university, is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer with a strong commitment to diversifying its faculty.

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