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 Michael Naccartao
Posted by: Gordon Moskowitz
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Lehigh University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: May 16th, 2006

With great sadness I report the death of Michael Naccarato, a social psychologist for a brief moment, whose work on developing the need for structure scale was perhaps his greatest lasting impact on the field.

After visiting South Africa while in the Ph.D. program at the University of Waterloo, Michael decided to no longer pursue a career as a social psychologist and study prejudice as an academic. Instead he wanted to get into the world and fight it.

In recent years Michael had, we thought, been successfully fighting leukemia. However, in recent weeks the disease took a turn, and Michael is now gone. For those who wish to attend a memorial service, please contact me for details.

Gordon Moskowitz (

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