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 Call for Papers (5/15/06; Journal Issue 9/06)
Posted by: Aaron Drucker
Title/Position: Editor
School/Organization: Claremont Graduate University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 20th, 2006

Call for Papers: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Capital

Claremont Graduate University is launching a peer-reviewed, online transdisciplinary journal. Transdisciplinarity is the proactive search for creative approaches to problem solving through the cooperation of multiple disciplines. We want experts from various disciplines to stimulate innovation by developing common ground, facilitating the communication of concepts, methods, and ideas that are being fostered in the academy as a means to elevate both a national and international communication about transdisciplinary constructs, methodologies, and theories.

The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies is an on-line, academically rigorous forum for theorists, practitioners, and researchers whose work reflects a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach. The theme of our first issue will be “Capital.”

Papers with a transdisciplinary focus, specifically written by more than one scholar from multiple disciplines, will be considered for publication in our inaugural issue. Those addressing our first issue theme of “Capital” will be given priority. However, all transdisciplinary papers will be considered.

Full papers along with an abstract of 500 words and a short C.V. for each author should be submitted to Microsoft Word or PDF format only. 2pt., double-spaced type with standard notation (per your discipline).

Deadline for submission is 15 May 2006. Final papers Notification of acceptance will be sent by 01 September 2006.

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