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 APS Teaching Fund: A Proposal
Posted by: Jon Mueller
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: North Central College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 17th, 2006

Please excuse the cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues,

Does the idea of creating a web site that makes course-specific teaching resources accessible for psychology instructors worldwide interest you? APS is now inviting “applications for small (up to $5000), non-renewable grants to launch” such projects. And I would like to assist those who might be interested in such a project.

Some of you are familiar with my website Resources for the Teaching of Social Psychology at:

at which I have organized and annotated 1000+ resources for instructors of social psychology and related courses under headings such as Class Assignments, Activities and Exercises, Student Resources, Topic Resources, and more.

I also send out a free, monthly e-mail newsletter in which I share new and newly discovered resources and ideas, which can be found at:

The response to my resources has been overwhelmingly positive. The above website receives more than 20,000 hits a month, and the newsletter currently has more than 850 subscribers from 30+ countries.

I would like to see more such sites, and many who have sent me feedback have said the same. In APS’ Call for Applications, which can be found in the most recent issue of the APS Observer at:

the steering committee of the APS Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science indicates a very similar interest by explicitly mentioning projects that “disseminate resources that support the effective teaching of psychology and the development of effective psychology teachers.”

If you are at all interested or intrigued by constructing such a resource, please drop me an e-mail. I can share with you my experiences over the last six years of creating and maintaining the social psychology site and newsletter. Additionally, if you are interested but might be a little unsure about how to go about creating such a resource, I would be willing to assist you in that process with no cost to you or your grant. I just want to see more such resources available. Instead of all of us wading through the WWW looking for that one little nugget we can use in our course, it is far more efficient if one person or a small team of people collect and organize the resources, saving the rest of us hundreds of hours.

So, check out the APS Call for Applications, and e-mail or call me if you would like to hear about my experience or discuss the possibility of applying for such a grant. I am in no way affiliated with the Teaching Fund or the grants program, but I am very interested in the further development of teaching and dissemination of psychology.

Jon Mueller

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