Listserv Message Center

Masters Program in Social Psychology |
Posted by: | Caryl Rusbult |
Title/Position: | Chair, Department of Social Psychology |
School/Organization: | Free University, Amsterdam |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | February 16th, 2006 |
I’d like to call your attention to our Master’s Program in Social Psychology at the Free University at Amsterdam. We offer exceptionally strong graduate training, with intensive coverage of basic content areas, excellent skills training, and extensive research experience (see brief description below). Please pass this information on to talented undergraduates who might be interested in the program.
Caryl Rusbult, Chair
Department of Social Psychology
Free University at Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 1
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
The Free University at Amsterdam offers an outstanding Master’s Program in Social Psychology, with an emphasis on basic, experimental social psychology. Over a two-year period, students complete courses covering basic content areas (e.g., evolutionary psychology; social neuroscience; social cognition; feelings and emotions; motivational science; close relationships; interdependence; group processes) as well as specific research skills (e.g., methods/statistics; writing/presenting; basic-applied bridging; computational modeling). Students also receive excellent research experience, completing numerous research proposals and carrying out at least three full-scale research projects (in collaboration with faculty advisors). All program activities are carried out in English.
We have a strong (and growing) faculty, including Caryl Rusbult (Professor and Chair), Paul van Lange and Gun Semin (Professors), and Wilco van Dijk, Catrin Finkenauer, Sander Koole, Esther van Leeuwen, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, and Martijn van Zomeren (Assistant and Associate Professors); John Cacioppo and Eliot Smith hold special chairs in the program. In addition to standard coursework, students also participate in expert workshops taught by eminent international scientists (e.g., in 2005-06 workshops were taught by Art Aron, Roy Baumeister, Hart Blanton, John Cacioppo, Eliot Smith, Russell Spears, Dianne Tice, and Kip Williams). The department has a vibrant and intellectually stimulating climate, and is quite international in orientation. We also provide good support for students (e.g., mentors, help with visa procedures; merit-based awards and university-funded housing are available).
The deadline for applications is (a) April 1 for students from EU/EEA countries, the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Monaco, and New Zealand, (b) February 1 for students from countries other than the above (as well as those who do not reside in the Netherlands), and (c) May 1 for students from the Netherlands. Interested candidates can obtain additional information at:
http://www.psy.vu.nl/fpp.php/departments/socialpsychology/teaching/research master/
For further information, interested candidates can also contact Wilco van Dijk, Coordinator of the Research Masters Program (ww.van.dijk@psy.vu.nl), or Carla Heldens, Administrative Assistant for the Program (cb.heldens@psy.vu.nl).