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 Job Opening at NSF
Posted by: Amber Story
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 10th, 2006

Dear Colleagues,

NSF is looking for a Program Director with particular expertise in issues related to the protection of human subjects and Institutional Review Board oversight of human subjects research to serve within the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division.

The Program Director would administer the program in one of these disciplines: Archaeology, Cognitive Neuroscience; Cultural Anthropology; Developmental and Learning Sciences; Geography and Regional Science; Linguistics; Perception, Action and Cognition; Physical Anthropology, or Social Psychology. The Program Director would also serve as a liaison for human subjects issues within NSF and participate in activities within and across programs in the division, directorate, foundation, and federal government.

This rotator position is posted as an IPA position (Intergovernmental Personnel Act).

For IPA assignments, the individual remains an employee on the payroll of his or her home institution and the institution continues to administer pay and benefits. NSF reimburses the institution for NSF’s negotiated share of the costs. Individuals eligible for an IPA assignment include employees of State and local government agencies, institutions of higher education, Indian tribal governments, federally funded research and development centers and qualified nonprofit organizations.

For further information, please contact Peg Barratt at (703-292-7305) or Tom Baerwald at (703-292-7301).

Full posting:

Posting closes March 10.

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