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 Call for Associate Editors at Social Cognition
Posted by: Keith Maddox
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Tufts University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: May 15th, 2023

Social Cognition is seeking self- and other-nominations to join our editorial team as Associate Editors. While seeking nominations from all interested parties, we encourage nominations of individuals that work in institutions outside of the United States and Canada to complement the composition of the current editorial team (Jacqueline Chen, Kenneth DeMarree, Keith Maddox, Rebecca Neel), with a particular focus on identities, countries, and regions that have been historically marginalized and/or underrepresented in social/personality psychology, broadly defined. Our goal is to broaden the perspectives on the scientific work submitted for publication. For more information about the editorial vision for Social Cognition, see this Editorial from February 2023.

We would like to expand to include up to three (3) additional Associate Editors (AE): two (2) full-term (three-year) positions beginning as early as June 2023 and a sabbatical-year replacement position from August 2023 – July 2024. Competitive candidates will provide a curriculum vitae that presents a record of publishing—as lead author—in English language, peer-reviewed, scientific outlets. Area of specialization is open, but must focus on some area of inquiry related to social cognition, defined here by research investigating one or more of the following:

- the processes underlying the perception, judgment, and memory of social stimuli
- the effects of social and affective factors on the processing of information
- the behavioral and interpersonal consequences of cognitive processes

In terms of workload, the journal is published bi-monthly, for a total of 6 issues/year, with about 4 articles per issue. AEs would be expected to handle approximately 20 manuscripts/year. There is a modest honorarium ($1,000) for this role. As such, the AE role might be best suited for post-doctoral individuals at mid- and late-career stages who are highly motivated to complement their scholarly experience and expertise by expanding their service to the field. While institutions vary greatly, editorial service is often considered favorably by employers considering merit, promotion, or local workload policies.

In terms of responsibilities, AEs are expected to review new and revised manuscripts. This process involves:

- deciding to desk reject or submit to peer review,
- selecting expert reviewers,
- reading and evaluating expert reviews,
- sharing editorial decisions with the authors and reviewers.

AEs should be able to use peer reviews and their own knowledge and experience to provide thoughtful, constructive–and considerate–feedback to authors in a timely manner. In addition to the time spent with manuscripts, the editorial team meets monthly to discuss our experiences, questions, and concerns. Thus, our team is constructed to facilitate the onboarding individuals who may not have prior editorial experience. We will also value your input discussing initiatives impacting the journal’s focus and functioning. Much of our process is eligible for review and revision, and we will entertain ideas from a variety of sources.

Nominations should be submitted via this survey:

Inquiries for the editor can be submitted with the phrase “AE Nomination” in the subject line. Or feel free to contact current associate editors (Jacqueline Chen , Kenneth Demarree , Rebecca Neel ). Review of nominations will begin on May 22nd, 2023 on a rolling basis until the positions are filled. Individuals not selected at this time may be considered for future positions.

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