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 Multilevel Causal Inference With Steve Raudenbush
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 2nd, 2022

Hi everyo!ne

Instats is pleased to present a new 2-day seminar by Professor Stephen Raudenbush: Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) and Multilevel Causal Inference <>. This is a tremendously unique opportunity to learn about multilevel and longitudinal data modeling and causal inference from one of the global research community's most preeminent scholars. As you may know, Professor Raudenbush is one of the greatest contributors to multilevel and longitudinal modeling theory and methods over the past 40 years. He is best known for the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) framework, which is a complete approach to building, estimating, and interpreting complex data models in the social and health sciences. Indeed, it would not be incorrect to say that if you're using multilevel and longitudinal data analysis methods in your research, you are doing this in some way based on Professor Raudenbush's prolific and very well-cited work.

Professor Raudenbush's seminar will cover a variety of multilevel, longitudinal, and cross-classified modeling approaches with an emphasis on causal inference. In the seminar, these methods will be covered in detail and can be applied in a variety of software packages for your research. However, Instats has partnered with Scientific Software International to offer a free 60-day trial license of the newest HLM software, which will allow you to analyze your data and familiarize yourself with the kind of rigorous multilevel and longitudinal theorizing and data analysis for which HLM has been known for over 20 years.

The livestreamed sessions will be recorded and made available for 30 days so that you can participate live or asynchronously. An online Q&A forum will also be monitored by Professor Raudenbush during the workshop and for the 30 days afterwards, so you can ask questions outside of the live sessions. An Instats certificate of completion will be provided at the conclusion of the seminar with Professor Raudenbush, and 2 ECTS Equivalent points will be provided for European PhD students.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn directly from Professor Raudenbush over 2 days, so please share this widely with your colleagues and PhD students! You can find the full list of our upcoming live seminars, multi-seminar structured courses, and on-demand seminars at

In other news, Instats is now! This better reflects the nature of our purpose-driven organization and the way that we serve the interests of both our partners and users. If you are a research methods expert or you are affiliated with a research institution and would like to partner with Instats to offer a multi-day seminar or series of seminars through the Instats platform, please get in touch. We are always adding new seminars for the social and health sciences (including econometrics), and we want to help you connect with the global community of PhD students and researchers who want your training.

Best wishes

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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