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 Meta-Analysis Data Request: Inequality and Prosocial Behavior
Posted by: Sara Konrath
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Indiana University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 1st, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We are gathering data that meet the following criteria for a meta-analysis. We seek unpublished data reporting on the relationship between economic inequality and prosocial behavior.

1. It can be experimental or nonexperimental data;

2. It must have quantitative measures of economic inequality;

i. any type of economic inequality: experimental endowment inequality, income inequality, wealth inequality;

ii. any measure of economic inequality: Gini index, decile dispersion ratio, top income share, perception of economic inequality, or other actual or perceived inequality measure;

iii. any unit of analysis of economic inequality: group level, community/local level, state/province/regional level, or country level;

iv. any role of economic inequality: as important explanatory variable or merely as a control variable;

3. It must have quantitative measures of prosocial behavior;

i. any type of prosocial behavior: charitable donation, volunteering time, or informal help;

ii. any measure of prosocial behavior: incidence, amount, proportion, or frequency of prosocial behavior, or number of nonprofits contribute to;

iii. any source of prosocial behavior: self-report (e.g., intend to be prosocial or previous prosocial behavior) or actual behavior (or observation);

iv. any unit of analysis of prosocial behavior: individual/household level, group level, organizational level, community/local level, state/province/regional level, or country level.

If you have unpublished or nearly published data (including thesis data) that might meet these criteria, please complete the following survey, preferably by February 28th, 2021:

If your data are already published - we have likely found it through our systematic search - however please reach out to us to double check that your research has been included. We are hoping to include all relevant research and every single study counts! Please pass this request to any colleagues who might have related research.

If you have relevant research please feel free to contact us and we will make sure to send you a reminder one week before the deadline. If you are unsure if your data fit our criteria or if you have any other questions, please write to or

With kind regards,

Yongzheng Yang, PhD student at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Sara Konrath, Associate Professor at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

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