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 Personal Values-Dark Triad Meta-Analysis: Request
Posted by: Gilad Feldman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Hong Kong
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: July 9th, 2020

Dear colleagues,‎

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the link between the Dark Triad/Tetrad traits and personal values ‎‎(Schwartz, 1992). We would like to ask for your help with the meta-analysis process.‎

We would appreciate references to any other published data on the relationship between the Dark ‎Triad/Tetrad traits and personal values (Schwartz) to make sure we included them in our meta-analysis. ‎

More importantly, we are especially interested in any relevant unpublished manuscripts or unpublished ‎data that cannot be found through a regular literature search. ‎

If you have unfinished or unpublished manuscripts, we would appreciate a copy. These will be kept ‎confidential and will not be used for any other purpose other than inclusion in the meta-analysis. ‎

Alternatively, for unpublished manuscripts and/or data, the information we require for each of the ‎studies/samples for inclusion is:‎

(‎1)‎ Brief description of the study and procedures
‎(2)‎ Correlation matrix between Dark Triad/Tetrad personality trait(s) and Schwartz value(s)‎
‎(3)‎ Sample size after exclusions
‎(4)‎ Independent variable : ‎
(a)‎ Brief description of the measures/scales were used
(b)‎ Internal reliabilities if available/relevant.‎
‎(5)‎ Dependent variable: ‎
(a)‎ Brief description of the measures/scales were used
(b)‎ Internal reliabilities if available/relevant.‎
‎(6)‎ Demographics and data collection details: ‎
(a)‎ Date of data collection.‎
(b)‎ Country.‎
(c)‎ Type of participants (students, online/MTurk/Prolific, general population, etc.)‎
(d)‎ Mean age (and SD if available).‎
(e)‎ Gender composition (counts if possible, percentages if not)..‎
‎(7)‎ APA-style reference to be used when citing this data or manuscript.‎

If you only have raw data that has not yet been analysed, then we would be happy to help analyse it for ‎inclusion. In such a case, please send us the dataset and a description of the key variables described ‎above relevant for the analysis.‎

Please send all relevant information and/or data to us at this email ‎

If you are interested in more information, we will be happy to answer any further questions and keep ‎you posted on the project as we make progress and finalize the submission. ‎

Additionally, you can follow updates and read further information on our project, posted on ‎ResearchGate:‎

Best regards,‎
Velvetina Lim and Gilad Feldman ‎
University College London and the University of Hong Kong

Attachment: Call for unpublished manuscript or data.docx

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