Listserv Message Center

Call for Unpublished Studies for Meta-Analysis |
Posted by: | Andrey Lovakov |
Title/Position: | Research Fellow |
School/Organization: | HSE University |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | June 4th, 2020 |
We are conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between ambivalent sexism and violence towards women. We are currently looking for unpublished studies, including dissertations, master theses, papers presented at conferences, and papers in preparation or under review.
Inclusion criteria:
- Sexism is measured by the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI);
- Physical, psychological, or sexual violence towards women is measured;
- The study includes heterosexual women as the targets of violence and men as the aggressor or investigates attitudes towards male-to-female violence;
- The study based on non-clinical samples (we do not include offender, a victim of violence, police officer, and clergy samples);
- Cross-sectional and experimental studies will be included.
If you have unpublished studies meeting the above inclusion criteria, please send us the manuscript, dataset or write to us following information:
- Total sample size;
- Respondents’ gender (the number of men and women);
- Sample description (students or general population);
- A country in which data was collected;
- Violence type: sexual, psychological, physical, or other;
- Violence target: ‘women in general’ (violence towards women as a social group), ‘certain women’ (violence towards a certain woman which was described in the vignettes), ‘romantic partner’ (violence towards an intimate partner (e.g., wife));
- Scale’s alphas for hostile and benevolent sexism and violence’ measures;
- Effect size information: correlation between violence (violent behavior or attitudes towards violence) and sexism (hostile and benevolent sexism separately).
The best option would be if you can provide data separately for men and women subsamples.
Please contact Elena Agadullina (eagadullina@gmail.com). Many thanks in advance!
If you know others who may have relevant data, please share this meta-analysis call with them. We would be very grateful!