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 APS Executive Director Search
Posted by: Shinobu Kitayama
Title/Position: President-Elect and Search Committee Chair
School/Organization: Association for Psychological Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 12th, 2020

APS has recently launched a search for our new Executive Director, as Sarah Brookhart, the current Executive Director, has announced her retirement after many years of distinguished service to the organization. The process is being led by a Search Committee, with assistance from Sterling Martin Associates, an executive search firm.

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director (ED) will provide vision and leadership for APS. The individual will oversee public policy and outreach efforts, acting as the association’s representative as it works with government agencies, other scientific societies, and coalitions to raise the international profile and impact of psychological science. The ED will be responsible for the management and operations of APS, including publication of its six journals. The ED will also oversee the association’s two major conferences, which feature the latest research from across the field, showcase pioneering integrative research, and provide important educational and networking opportunities for members at all stages of their careers.

More information is available at

Applications are being accepted through June 30.

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