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 Inclusion in Meta-Analysis of Media Exposure
Posted by: Andrea Figueroa-Caballero
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Missouri
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 1st, 2020

We are conducting a meta-analysis examining the effects of media exposure on outcomes in the domain of racial/ethnic stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. We have attempted to ensure that we have included all published studies in this area, including experiments, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional surveys, as well as dissertations. However, we also hope to include unpublished research, such as conference papers.

In particular, we are looking for any studies that:

(1) Measure effects of exposure to media depictions of race/ethnicity;
(2) Measure associations based on self-reported consumption of media depictions of race and/or ethnicity;
(3) Include outcomes pertaining to racial/ethnic attitudes, feelings, views, policy positions, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.

We are utilizing a broad definition of media including television, film, print news, online news, animation, social media, etc.

If you have an unpublished study that may fit these criteria, please contact me at: We hope to have all relevant studies collected by May 10th, 2020.

We greatly appreciate your assistance in ensuring we have a complete body of scholarship.

Andrea Figueroa-Caballero, University of Missouri
Muniba Saleem, University of Michigan
Steve Rains, University of Arizona
Dana Mastro, University of California, Santa Barbara

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