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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Training in Behavior-Centered Design for the Environment
Posted by: Andrea Wilk
Title/Position: Associate
School/Organization: Rare
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 30th, 2020

Environmental organizations have deep expertise in applying biological and natural sciences to develop solutions. But sometimes, despite their technical efficacy, interventions fall short of adoption. Why? People – whether they are farmers, fishers, community members, policy makers or business leaders – must start behaving differently.

During this interactive virtual training, Rare's Center for Behavior & the Environment will share behavioral science principles and spend meaningful time with participants to apply these insights to their own environmental efforts. Join us on May 20 and 21 to learn how behavior-centered design can help you develop breakthrough solutions to achieve larger and lasting impact in your programs. International time zone options available!

Attachment: bcd training.jpg

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