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 Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Traineeships
Posted by: Margaret Ferdinand
Title/Position: Coordinator, MITER Program
School/Organization: University of Minnesota, College of Ed & Human Dev
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 5th, 2005

The Minnesota Interdisciplinary Training in Education Research (MITER) Program is now recruiting trainees for a new doctoral interdisciplinary training program in experimental research methodology and cognitive sciences as applied to educational issues, including standards-based assessment, continuous monitoring of student progress, experimental and quasi-experimental design, longitudinal studies, theory of cognition, and data-gathering methods in cognitive neuroscience, psycholinguistics, higher-order thinking and learning.

Trainees will also choose research projects in major on-campus research centers such as the Brain Sciences Center, the Center for Cognitive Sciences, National Center on Educational Outcomes, the Research Institute on Progress Monitoring, and the Roy Wilkins Center; off-campus field sites such as the Minnesota Department of Education, the urban and non-urban public schools; and American Guidance Services, Inc. (AGS Publishing). An important part of the recruiting process will be faculty nominations of prospective fellows. If you have students that might be interested, please direct them to the MITER program web site (; or they can contact us directly.

Mark L. Davison, Co-director
Paul van den Broek, Co-director
Minnesota Interdisciplinary Education Sciences Predoctoral Training Program

Mark Davison, Ph.D.
American Guidance Services, Inc., and Samuel P.
Yackel Professor of Measurement and Statistics
204 Burton Hall/3171
178 Pillsbury Dr. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel. (612) 624-1327

Paul van den Broek, Ph.D.
Professor, Guy Bond Chair in Reading
Department of Educational Psychology
204 Burton Hall/3171
178 Pillsbury Dr. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel. (612) 626-1302

Peggy Irish Ferdinand
Coordinator, MITER Program
University of Minnesota
204 Burton Hall
178 Pillsbury Dr. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
tel. 612-626-8269
fax. 612-626-8123

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