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 Call for Abstracts: ESRA 2019
Posted by: Elmar Schlueter
Title/Position: Full Professor
School/Organization: Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 16th, 2018

Dear all,

Please consider submitting an abstract (300 words or fewer) to our ESRA 2019 panel "Assessing Implicit Attitudes Using General Population Surveys” (see below for details) in Zagreb, Croatia, 15th-19th July 2019.

The submission deadline is November 18th. Please use the ESRA conference management system for submission:

Looking forward to meet you in Zagreb,


Assessing Implicit Attitudes Using General Population Surveys

Survey researchers typically assess attitudes, broadly defined here as associations between concepts and evaluations, using self-report measures. For example, respondents might be asked to self-assess their views or feelings toward different immigrant groups on a response scale from 1 (dislike this group very much) to 7 (like this group very much).
Alternative to such a direct measurement approach respondents’ attitudes might also be assessed indirectly. Here, one line of research originating in psychology uses respondents’ performance (e.g. response latencies or categorization errors) on behavioral tasks designed to infer the construct of interest rather to rely on self-reports.
Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented proliferation of methods seeking to assess such implicit attitudes, including but not limited to measurement approaches like the implicit association test (Nosek, 2007) or the affective misattribution procedure (Payne et al., 2005). Relying on relatively small, non-representative samples, such methods are routinely employed in psychological research. However, the feasibility and utility of using implicit measures in large-scale survey research based on representative population samples is less clear. This session invites papers that focus on methodological as well as substantive issues arising from coupling measures of implicit attitudes with large-scale population surveys. Contributions may cover but are not limited to the following research topics:

• Innovative measurement approaches of implicit attitudes
• Effects of survey mode and/or sampling methodology on outcomes
• Applications with a substantial focus (e.g. research on intergroup relations or sensitive topics more generally)

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