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 Unpublished Self-Affirmation Data (Meta-Analysis)
Posted by: Rebecca Ferrer
Title/Position: Program Officer
School/Organization: National Cancer Institute
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 20th, 2018

Hi all,

Geoff Cohen and I are revising a meta-analysis examining conditions under which self-affirmation changes behavior, using health behavior change as the context. We are currently searching for unpublished studies that include self-affirmation and an appropriate comparison/ control condition, target health behavior, and measure a behavioral outcome (either self-reported or actual behavior, including interim behaviors like taking condom or sunscreen samples).

If any of you have unpublished data that fit these criteria, we would be very appreciative if you could email back with the details. To be included in the analyses, we would need the mean, SD, and n for each study condition, and would need you to answer three quick questions regarding the details of the study and sample.

Thanks in advance.

Becky Ferrer
National Cancer Institute

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