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 Seeking Undergraduates: NYU REU Summer Program
Posted by: Emily Balcetis
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: January 24th, 2017

Seeking Undergraduate Applicants for the NSF REU: NYU Center for Behavioral Statistics and the Study of Motivated Perception

June 5, 2017 through July 28, 2017

Applications due February 24, 2017

Information and application portal available by clicking

Dr. Emily Balcetis and Dr. Tessa West, social psychologists at New York University, invite interested and enthusiastic undergraduates to apply for the NYU Center for Motivated Perception Summer Internship Program. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation as a Research Experience for Undergraduates program. We are seeking interns who are interested in pursuing a unique educational opportunity that will help further their academic careers.

Interns engage in team-based learning, working in small research teams with 2-3 other students, led by one intern, with supervision from a PhD student and faculty mentor. The internship will take a hands-on approach to training in experimental research design and behavioral statistics. Interns will have opportunities to contribute to interdisciplinary and transformative research across multiple domains including emotion, health, relationships, jury decisions, politics, and others while maintaining a single intellectual focus on the study of motivated perception.

Because this program is funded by the National Science Foundation, applicants must be American citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Priority goes to students in their freshman, sophomore, and junior years, so students can implement new skills at their home universities during the remainder of their undergraduate career. Students who have earned a bachelor's degree by the time of the internship will not be accepted into the program. We strongly encourage students from all backgrounds (racial, socio-economic, religious, gender) to apply. This program encourages and supports diversity in science and prioritizes students from diverse backgrounds. Priority also goes to students from colleges and universities that do not offer extensive or traditional research experiences. Interns cannot be currently enrolled at New York University.

While no specific prior experience is required, applicants who have completed basic introductory psychology courses, including a statistics course and a research methods course, are preferred. Selected applicants must be present in New York City for every weekday that the internship is in session. Interns are expected to contribute significantly to the internship in its entirety, in residence in New York City. All interns will live in NYU dorms. Interns will spend their week involved in internship-related activities. Interns are expected to complete all requirements including: ethics training, introductory statistics workshops, research team responsibilities, participation in the conference, and contributing in significant and positive ways to the development of this learning community and support all members’ development. Interns will receive free NYU dorm housing for the 8 weeks in residence, free meal plans and dining dollars for local restaurants, a $4000 stipend to defray other living expenses and compensate for lost wages, and funds to support their participation in professional conferences with successful completion of the internship.

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