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 Call for Red-Attraction Studies for Meta-Analysis
Posted by: Robert Calin-Jageman
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Dominican University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 14th, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We are in the process of conducting a meta-analysis on the Red-Romance Hypothesis (the theory that people rate opposite-sex individuals as more romantically attractive in presence of the color red).

We are interested in including all studies examining the Red-Romance Hypothesis in our meta-analysis. Specifically, we are interested in experiments which include red as a color condition and which measure self-reported perceived attractiveness. We are interested in both published and unpublished work, regardless of the size or statistical significance of the study.

If you have any published or unpublished data, dissertation data, or paper/poster proceedings that relate to the Red-Romance Hypothesis, we would appreciate it if you can send a method and result section to us.

For methods, please specify all conditions run, details about the participants (e.g. age, how recruited), colors used (with specific color parameters, if known), stimuli used, and details on the dependent measure (scale, how many items). For results, please be sure to include the mean, standard deviation, and sample size for each color condition. If your study uses a within-subjects design, please also provide the correlation between repeated measures of perceived attractiveness.

Thank you in advance,

Gabrielle Lehmann
Andrew Elliot
Robert Calin-Jageman

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