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 Funding Opportunity
Posted by: Kerry Marsh
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 22nd, 2016

Dear Colleagues:

We wanted to bring to your attention a funding opportunity. The National Science Foundation has published a Dear Colleague Letter announcing the SBE Directorate's participation in the fourth round of Digging into Data (under the auspices of the Trans-Atlantic Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities). This grant competition is open to international, collaborative projects that address research questions in the social sciences or humanities by using new, large-scale, digital data analysis techniques. Projects must involve three or more teams of researchers, at least one of which should be in Europe, and one from the Americas. The DCL is at Applications are due in late June. For further details see the DiD application website:


Kerry Marsh, Ph.D. / / 703-292-7281
Tamera Schneider, Ph.D. / / 703-292-7277
Program Directors
Social Psychology (BCS Division of SBE Directorate)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

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