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 3rd ATI on Health Behavior Theory
Posted by: Alex Rothman
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Minnesota
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: November 10th, 2005

3rd Advanced Training Institute on Health Behavior Theory
Applications due by February 3, 2006

The National Cancer Institute and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research will sponsor an intensive, 7-day workshop for early career investigators June 18-25, 2006 at the Fluno Executive Conference Center in Madison, Wisconsin. The objectives of the institute are to allow 25 attendees to extend their understanding of the assumptions underlying major types of health behavior theories, to explore how theories are tested and improved, and to examine how to use theories appropriately in designing interventions. Lead instructors include researchers Neil Weinstein, Rutgers University, Alex Rothman, University of Minnesota, Susan Curry, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Barbara Curbow, University of Florida.

Applicants from all disciplines are welcome to apply. Eleven different disciplines were represented at the workshop held in 2005. An interest in cancer-related behaviors is desired, but not required. You must have received a doctoral degree by the beginning of the course and have completed at least one graduate level course in the behavioral sciences and one graduate level course in statistics. Participants must be U.S. citizens. There will be a $500 meeting cost to participate in the institute. Travel, meals, and lodging will be provided. More information, an application, and comments from previous participants are available at

Please forward this message on to anybody you think may be interested in this opportunity.

Andrew Hertel, Institute Coordinator
Department of Psychology
University of Minnesota
Phone: 612-624-0507
Fax: 612-626-2079

Alex Rothman, Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Minnesota
Phone: 612-625-2573
Fax: 612-626-2079

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