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Announcement of Special Issue |
Posted by: | Bob Arkin |
Title/Position: | Editor, Basic and Applied Social Psychology |
School/Organization: | Ohio State University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP |
Date posted: | November 4th, 2005 |
Special Issue
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Volume 28, Number 3
The September, 2006 issue of Basic and Applied Social Psychology will be devoted to the topic:
“In the Era of 9/11: Social Psychology and Security”
September, 2006 marks the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States. This Special Issue of the journal will appear at the time of this anniversary of the event.
This Special Issue will feature high caliber theory and research focused on a broad construction of the term “security.” For instance, the following topics have received important research attention, with each topic closely related to the issue of security:
· judgments of terror risk
· loss aversion in judgment
· the role of emotion (fear, anger) in reactions to terrorism
· terror management, the self, and worldviews
· social psychopathologies and maladjustment among survivors
· intergroup relations and hierarchies
· prejudice and discrimination toward outgroups (e.g., Islam)
· intolerance for non-normative ideology and behavior
· uncertainty and the need for perceived structure
· aspects of the psychology of internment
· the use and exploitation of security needs in fear appeals
· allocation of community resources to deal with diffuse threats
· tradeoffs between individual freedoms and restrictions
Types of Articles:
The Special Issue may include as many as three brief articles (< 5,000 words) and three longer articles of an empirical nature, as well as perhaps three brief articles (<5,000 words) and three longer articles of a conceptual/literature review nature (for a total of twelve articles). The final Table of Contents will depend on the nature and quality of the articles ultimately submitted for consideration.
The Process
Submission Deadline: April 1, 2006 [Manuscripts can be submitted starting November 1, 2005, but must be received by April 1, 2006]
Expressions of Interest: We invite expressions of interest by authors prior to manuscript submission. It will facilitate planning if they are received by December 31st, 2005.
Peer Review: Each manuscript submitted will receive expedited review. BASP currently has an average lag time of 77 days (2 ½ months) from submission to decision. This lag will be even briefer for the Special Issue.
Publication Deadline: The issue will be delivered to the publisher (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.) no later than June 1, 2006, for publication in September, 2006.
Author Responsibility: The tight timetable requires that an accepted article be processed at publication promptly. Authors must be available to review their page proofs within a 2-day turnaround (more details will be forthcoming) during the Summer of 2006.
Additional Information: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, Inc. (the publishers) markets all journal special issues as single books, which means that the issue will be marketed separately in their catalogs and brochures and it will have an ISBN number and a separate price to accommodate individual sales.
Submission Guidelines: Manuscripts should be submitted in the usual way (consult other material this web site, or the journal itself), and should also include a clear designation indicating a submission intended for consideration for the Special Issue.
Robert M. Arkin,
Editor, Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Patrick Carroll
Associate Co-Editor, Special Issue
Aaron Wichman
Associate Co-Editor, Special Issue