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 Summer School Environmental Psychology
Posted by: Gerhard Reese
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate
School/Organization: Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 20th, 2016

Summer School on Environmental Psychology (06th- 09th June 2016)
on the Baltic Sea - Island of Vilm, GERMANY

Environmental psychology investigates human behavior that affects environment and nature, but also how nature and the environment affect human behavior and experience. For example, it deals with the perception of environmental problems, the psychological consequences of pollution, and the conditions of pro-environmental action. In recent decades, environmental psychology evolved as a field of applied psychological research.

Pro-environmental behavior is empirically studied both within explicit environmental psychological research approaches as well as within other sub-disciplines of psychological science, such as
social and personality psychology. In the context of social and environmental policy making, environmental psychology research findings become increasingly acknowledged.

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, in close collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Leipzig and Jena, organizes a Summer School on environmental psychology to offer room for presenting and discussing current and future environmental psychology research. The summer school focuses on results, theory and methods of empirical psychology research environmental issues, as well as on their practical relevance (e.g., in designing interventions or communication strategies for nature and environmental protection).

From 06th-09th June 2016, PhD students and other early-career researchers (e.g., advanced MSc students) in the field of environmental psychology research, as well as international experts of basic and applied research, are invited to Vilm Island. Over 3 days, the discussion of recent findings in environmental psychology and the opportunity for further development of participants’ own research are in the foreground.

The summer school takes place at the International Academy for Nature Conservation on the small picturesque Baltic island of Vilm:

Ten graduate students and young scientists will have the opportunity to present their own empirical research and discuss it with all conference participants. Speakers are selected based on the quality and thematic fit of their submitted abstracts (maximum 200 words; please provide information about theory, research question, methods, results and implications). The proposed research should be based on already collected and analyzed empirical data, but leave room for further studies. For these 10 speakers, accommodation and full board will be covered.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15, 2016. Feedback will be given no later than the 29th of February.

In addition, four internationally renowned researchers have been invited and confirmed as Teachers. They will join the discussions and offer a specific workshop within their own field of research:

WOUTER Poortinga (Cardiff): Risk Perception and Perception of the Environment
JOE HINDS (Canterbury): Human-Nature Relations
JUDITH DE GROOT (Bath): Morality and Behavior Change
IMMO FRITSCHE (Leipzig): Social Identity

Conference language is English.
Altogether there is room for 40 participants. 10 of these places are reserved for the young scientist presenters. All other places will be allocated to both young scholars who did not get the chance to present their work as well as to other interested persons (e.g., PhD supervisors or other more senior researchers). All participants should have a basic background in the fields of empirical social research or environmental psychology. Registration is open from 1st of March.

The cost of the entire conference stay, including accommodation and full board (all in organic quality and / or regional: breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, tea, cake)

- are 197 euros for accommodation in a double room and
- 242 euros in a single room.

A certificate of credit points can be issued.

For more information about the Summer School and the registration procedures see:

Attachment: InvitationVilmSummerSchool.pdf

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