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 Deadline Extended: Proposals for SPSSI Convention
Posted by: SPSSI Central Office
Title/Position: Program Co-Chairs
School/Organization: SPSSI
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: December 11th, 2015

SPSSI's 2016 Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota will explore theme of “giving psychology away.” What does it mean to “give psychology away?” What is it that we want to give away, and how can we best do that? To whom are we giving psychology? And toward what end? How can our research, pedagogy, and activism be effectively shared with others outside the discipline? We invite you to consider this theme as specifically or broadly as you wish to, and to submit work that will help us imagine the myriad ways in which we can give psychology away.


• Symposia (90 minutes)
Symposium presentations include 3 to 4 talks on a common topic. Proposals should include a symposium title (10 words maximum), a summary of the symposium theme (200 words maximum), as well as titles (10 words maximum) and summaries (200 words maximum) of the expected contribution of each participant. You will be asked to include the chair’s name, title, affiliation, and contact information, as well as names and affiliations for all other authors.

• Interactive Discussions (1 hour)
In this format, presenters will open a discussion on a topic relevant to the conference theme with brief remarks and facilitate an interactive discussion with the audience. Proposals must include a title (10 words maximum) and summary (200 word maximum). You will be asked to include all author/presenter names (maximum of 4), titles, affiliations, and contact information.

• 15-minute Presentations
Individual proposals, including empirical reports, may be submitted as 15-minute presentations. Proposals must include a title (10 words maximum) and summary (200 words maximum). You will be asked to include all author names, titles, affiliations, and contact information.

• Poster Presentations
Individual proposals, including empirical reports, may be submitted for poster sessions. Proposals must include a title (10 words maximum) and a summary (200 words maximum). You will be asked to include all author names, titles, affiliations, and contact information.

We are using an online submission process for the conference.
To submit a Symposium, please click the following link and complete the online form:
Form for Symposium Submission
To submit an Interactive Discussion, 15-minute Presentation, or Poster Presentation, please click the following link and complete the online form:
Form for all Other Submissions
reminder: DEADLINE for all submissions is December 20, 2015

Joan Ostrove, Ph.D., Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Christie Manning, Ph.D., Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Emily Leskinen, Ph.D., Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin
If you have questions about the conference, please feel free to contact the SPSSI Central Office.

We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis! The “Mill City” of Minneapolis, situated on the Mississippi River, has a long history of exporting goods (such as flour, hence its nickname) and is also a site of significant social activism. As such, it is a fitting location for our 2016 Convention theme: “giving psychology away.” Many psychologists and social researchers work to promote equality, justice, freedom, and diversity. Part of this mission involves sharing our research with others, whether that be through teaching and mentoring students; collaborating with scholars within and across disciplines; participating in, supporting, and creating opportunities for public engagement; or developing and influencing effective public policies. As psychologists and as SPSSI members, we are well-positioned to share our work in ways that can help make meaningful changes in areas of national and global concern, such as: climate change and the future of the planet, racism and intergroup relations, growing income inequality, health and health care, and education.

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