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 Call for Proposals: Emotion & Health Decisions
Posted by: Rebecca Ferrer
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Cancer Institute
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 18th, 2015

Psychology and Heath:
Special Issue on Emotion, Health Decision-making, and Health Behaviour
Call for Papers
Guest Editors:
Rebecca A. Ferrer, National Cancer Institute
Wendy Berry Mendes, University of California, San Francisco

Theme of the Special Issue:
Explaining and changing health decision-making and behavior and has generally relied on theoretical frameworks that involve understanding social and personality factors. These frameworks, and the interventions based upon them, largely do not take emotion into account. However, converging evidence suggests that emotion and other affective states are essential to decision-making and behavior, systematically improving or degrading decisions depending on the context. Moreover, health decisions often take place in emotionally-laden contexts. For example, decisions about cancer treatment involve managing fears of cancer, side effects of treatment, and the burden and fears of close others who have to manage the emotional fall-out of the diagnosis. Decisions about sexual risk and prevention take place in the context of arousal and lust. Health promoting behaviors, like healthy eating and exercise, are most likely to suffer when stress is high, uncontrollable, and chronic. Thus, the relative dearth of research focused on facilitating a better understanding of how affective states contribute to and influence health decision-making and behavior is an important gap in the literature. It is critical to cultivate a better understanding of the role of emotions in health decision-making in order to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of determinants of behaviors that might increase disease risk or hinder disease management. This understanding then could be translated to develop more effective interventions that address these determinants.

The goals of this special issue are to: 1) introduce theoretical and methodological advances from affective science as relevant to health decision-making and health behaviors; 2) feature theory-based interventions that leverage affective science concepts in facilitating health behavior change; 3) identify gaps and opportunities at the intersection of affective science and health decision-making/ behavior; and 4) facilitate cross-disciplinary discussion and collaboration to elucidate how affect, broadly construed, influences health behaviors.

We invite submissions from multiple disciplines that consider how affect influences health decision-making. For the purposes of this issue, affective processes are broadly construed, and include emotion, mood, stress, motivation, reward processes, and affective evaluations. We invite submissions that consider emotion from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, decision science, psychoneuroimmunology, neuroscience, and medicine. Types of papers that will be considered include Research Articles and Theoretical Articles. A typical manuscript will not exceed 30 pages including tables, references, captions and endnotes.

Proposals are due by March 31, 2016. Papers will be due by October 15, 2016, with the plan to finalize the special issue by the end of 2016.

Submissions can be made through the Psychology & Health website:

Please indicate that the submission is for the special issue on Emotion, Decision-Making and Health Behaviors. Any questions can be directed to either Becky Ferrer ( or Wendy Mendes (

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