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 My views on PENS and the Hoffman Report
Posted by: Philip Zimbardo
Title/Position: Professor Emeritus
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 22nd, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

In response to the devastating condemnation of many of APA 's leaders in the Hoffman Report,
I discovered an analysis I prepared back in 2006 and a SPSSII journal report summarizing some of the views i presented soon afterwards.

Much must be done soon to salvage the reputation of APA, and I plan to work with many of the Past Presidents on positive actions and changes in procedures. I will also ask them to consider a resolution of CENSURE of all those directly involved in the corruption of the PENS noble mission.

Our organization is greater than the handful of zealots who subverted their personal and collective moral conscience for patriotic zeal, for favors from the military, for allegiances with the Department of Defense and other negative influences.

Thanks for taking the time to read these reflections, and please circulate this report if you think it merits wide readership.

Phil Zimbardo

Attachment: APA PENS Zimbardo.doc

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