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 Immediate Job Opening
Posted by: Megan Yost
Title/Position: Associate Professor and Chair
School/Organization: Dickinson College
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 7th, 2015

The Department of Psychology at Dickinson College invites applications for a one-year visiting assistant professor in Social Psychology or Social Cognition to begin Fall 2015. The successful candidate will teach 2 sections of Introduction to Social Psychology and a Seminar in Social Psychology. The candidate will also teach another introductory-level course and a seminar; these courses are open, but preference will be given to candidates who could offer courses in cognitive psychology or social cognition. Teaching load is five courses across the academic year.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Psychology by the time of the appointment. We expect a strong commitment to teaching in a liberal arts environment and the ability to involve undergraduates in research. The Introductory courses have a capacity of 35 students and the Seminars have a capacity of 15 students. The ability to create inclusive learning environments for an increasingly diverse student body will be an important characteristic of the successful candidate.

Dickinson College is a highly selective four-year, independent liberal arts college with 2300 students. It is located 20 minutes west of Harrisburg, PA, and is a two-hour drive from Baltimore, Washington DC, and Philadelphia. The Psychology Department's research-rich curriculum aims to increase students' abilities to understand and produce psychological research and to recognize and critically evaluate claims about psychological phenomena:

Interested candidates should apply for this position electronically via:

Please submit a cover letter that includes a statement of teaching philosophy and description of research program, curriculum vita, and course evaluations (if available). Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled; the new faculty orientation is August 24 – 26, and classes begin August 31st. Direct any questions regarding the position to the chair of the department, Megan Yost, at

The College is committed to building a representative and diverse faculty, administrative staff, and student body. We encourage applications from all qualified persons.

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