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 Warning About a Hijacked Social Psychology Journal
Posted by: Jeffrey Beall
Title/Position: Scholarly Communications Librarian
School/Organization: University of Colorado Denver
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 14th, 2015

I am writing to report a case of journal hijacking and to warn social psychology researchers to avoid submitting papers to the counterfeit journal.

Journal hijackings occur when someone creates a counterfeit website for a legitimate journal and then begins to solicit (via spam) and accept manuscripts for publication as if it were the legitimate journal.

In this case, the journal is: La Revue internationale de psychologie sociale (RIPS) = International Review of Social Psychology, ISSN 0992-986X.

The legitimate version of the journal is chiefly a print publication. It is published by the Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale and distributed by the Presses universitaires de Grenoble (PUG).

The hijacked version of the journal uses just the English title and is located here:

The journal's authentic homepage is here: (English) and here (French).

The PUG website for the legitimate print version journal is here:

Please warn all social psychology researchers to avoid the hijacked version of the International Review of Social Psychology.

Jeffrey Beall
University of Colorado Denver

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