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 Social Psychology/Neuroscience Documentary
Posted by: Kris De Meyer
Title/Position: Visiting Research Fellow Neuroscience
School/Organization: King's College London
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 5th, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Right Between Your Ears is a documentary that fuses a human interest story with social psychology and neuroscience to bring scientific insights about the nature of conviction to a wide public. Our motivation is to help reduce the growing polarization of public and political debates about pressing issues such as immigration, economy, welfare and the environment.

We are currently running a crowdfunding campaign to raise the completion funds for the film. This is a unique opportunity to bring important insights from social psychology and neuroscience to a wider audience and give them social impact. We would be very grateful if you could support our campaign and/or share it with your networks of interested people. Crowdfunding offers different levels of rewards in return for people’s support (e.g., a pre-order of the film, artwork inspired by the film, a signed copy of “Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me” by social psychologist contributors Elliot Aronson & Carol Tavris, etc.).

Full details, our motivation and the film trailer are available on our campaign page:

Core Production/Scientific Team
Kris De Meyer (Research Fellow neuroscience - King’s College London)
Sheila Marshall (Film professional and Director of the film - London)
Stefan Jansen (Senior Lecturer in mental health - Kigali Health Institute)

About the Film
The film explores how people come to hold strong beliefs and convictions, and how we can find it difficult to cope with having those convictions challenged, admitting mistakes, or acknowledging that we did something hurtful.It tells the story of how people from different walks of life came to the extraordinary belief that the world would end on a given date, took a public stand for it, and how they coped when nothing happened. Along their journey, we explore what 60 years of social psychology and contemporary neuroscience have to say about our curious relationship to being right and being wrong. Together these perspectives give a unique insight into the nature of conviction, and turn the film from a story about “them” and “their beliefs” into a story of how we believe. By revealing what we share with people who disagree with us, the film offers insights into how issues can become divisive and how we can reduce polarization in society.

Academic Contributors to the Film
Prof. Elliot Aronson (social psychologist - UC Santa Cruz - SPN member)
Dr. Carol Tavris (social psychologist and author - SPN member)
Prof. Mark Cohen (neuroscientist - UC Los Angeles)
Dr. Pamela Douglas (neuroscientist - UC Los Angeles)
Prof. Ned Augenblick (behavioural economist - UC Berkeley)
Prof. Ernesto dal Bo (behavioural economist - UC Berkeley)
Prof. Jon R. Stone (historian - CSU Long Beach)

​Funding the Documentary
Except for a small production grant from the Wellcome Trust in the UK, the documentary has been mostly self-funded. The crowfunding campaign will allow us to complete the technical finish which is essential to get the film ready to be shown and distributed. We would appreciate your help to raise £12,000 (around $17,000) by 21 May 2015.

Sharing/Ways to Connect
Campaign link:
Twitter: @rightbtw

If our aims of making the world less polarized strike a chord with you, or you have any further questions or recommendations, please get in touch by emailing

With kind regards,

Kris De Meyer (Producer/Neuroscientist)
Sheila Marshall (Producer/Director)

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