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 Summer Internship Program at Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Posted by: Taya Cohen
Title/Position: Asst. Prof. of Organizational Behavior & Theory
School/Organization: Carnegie Mellon University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: February 21st, 2015

The Center for Behavioral and Decision Research (CBDR) at Carnegie Mellon University is accepting applications from undergraduates interested in behavioral and decision-making research in our summer internship program. The internship begins on June 14, 2015 and ends on July 24, 2015.

The CBDR summer internship is open to students who are interested in gaining familiarity with and executing social science research. CBDR includes researchers with training in social and cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, marketing, neuroscience, and organizational behavior. Interns will spend approximately 36 hours/week working in close contact with faculty and graduate students affiliated with the center. Work includes conducting experiments with CBDR researchers in the lab and field (on our Data Truck). In weekly seminars, researchers will present their findings and lead workshops on related topics (e.g., from intertemporal choice to the graduate admissions process).

Interns will be provided with free university housing and access to university facilities, but will be responsible for all other costs (e.g., transportation, travel, and meals).

The deadline for applications is March 1st, 2015. All applicants must commit to attending the entire program (arriving on 6/14/2015 and departing on 7/24/2015). Applicants who cannot attend the entire program will automatically be removed from consideration (please check your calendar and final exam schedule in advance before submitting an application).
Applications should include:

1. A one-page cover letter describing your research experience and interests. Please explain why you would like to attend the program, as well as whether you intend to attend graduate school in a related field. This letter should also describe all previous research experience including work in a lab, thesis, and research methods coursework. This letter should end with a verbal certification that the applicant can attend the program in its entirety.

2. A resume or curriculum vitae. Please include your university, major, relevant courses, relevant research experience, GPA, expected graduation date, email address, and a working telephone number.

3. A letter of reference from a member of your academic community: a graduate student, post-doctoral researcher, or professor.

Applications should be submitted to the Center for Behavioral and Decision Research laboratory manager, Matthew Diabes, by email ( Applicants will be notified by April 1.

For information about the Center for Behavioral and Decision Research, please visit:

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