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 Call for Unpublished Data on the Effects of Quotas
Posted by: Victor Sojo
Title/Position: Post-doctoral Research Fellow
School/Organization: Centre for Ethical Leadership at Melbourne University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 30th, 2015

Meta-Analysis: Call for Unpublished Data on the Effects of Quotas and Targets for Women in Leadership

The Centre for Ethical Leadership at the University of Melbourne is currently conducting a meta-analysis focussing on the use and the effects of establishing targets or quotas for women in leadership roles.

We are in the process of conducting an exhaustive search of the published literature, and are now making a call to gather any remaining findings that are unpublished, or soon to be published. We are also interested in unpublished thesis data.

Specifically, we are interested in studies that explore one or more of the following outcome factors:

1. The effects of quotas/targets/preferential treatment/opportunity enhancements on the female leader
2. The effects on the colleagues of female leaders who are hired to comply with quotas/targets preferential treatment/opportunity enhancements
3. The effects of quotas/targets/ preferential treatment/opportunity enhancements on the industry or business that implement them

If you believe your study qualifies for inclusion, we are requesting details about the characteristics of your sample, study design, independent and dependent variables and the associated means and standard deviation or variances of the groups in the dependent variables. The associated effects sizes are also desirable.

Alternatively, we would be happy if you can provide us with your data and any information required to determine how the variables might be coded.

We will only use the data for the purpose of the meta-analysis and we will delete the data afterward.

You can contribute your unpublished data via email at Similarly, if you have any questions about this study please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Thank you for the assistance and contribution to our work. We will gladly send you a copy of the meta-analysis once it is published.

Best regards,
Professor Robert Wood and Dr. Victor Sojo

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