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 Call for Blog Contributions to In-Mind Magazine
Posted by: Sanja Djordjevic
Title/Position: Blog Coordinator
School/Organization: In-Mind Magazine
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: January 9th, 2015

Position Title: Call for Blog Contributions to the In-Mind Magazine

Description of the Foundation:

Inquisitive Mind, or In-Mind (, is the In-Mind Foundation’s online quarterly magazine for social psychology. We publish peer-reviewed articles with an aim to bring scientific findings to the general public. We have thousands of readers, and we would like to claim that our journal is the highest impact journal in social psychology.

Description of the Position:

Currently, In-Mind is seeking contributions for its Blog section. We are looking for blog posts that use objective data to make reasoned arguments in an informal, engaging, and educational way.

Potential contributors will be asked to write a blog post of 800-1000 words 2-3 times per year. Writing more or less often is also an option. Their posts should address one of the following broad categories:

1. Social Influence and Negotiations
2. Meaning Making
3. Violence & Aggression
4. Self-Control & Decision-Making
5. Romance & Friendship
6. Happiness & Well-Being
7. Science of Culture
8. Gender
9. Political Psychology
10. Solid Science and Innovation
12. Social Issues
13. Extremism and Religious Fundamentalism

Please note that all our positions are on a voluntary basis. Nonetheless, contributors are expected to benefit personally since they will develop as writers, stay on top of the newest research within social psychology, and make connections in the field.

Minimum Skills and Requirements:

- Social Psychology PhD students and researchers
- Excellent writing skills

Interested candidates should contact Sanja Djordjevic, at, with a brief paragraph expressing their interest in joining the In-Mind team and a summary of their educational and work experience. Please indicate your choice of a blog category.

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