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 Awards for Student Videos on Social Psychology
Posted by: Robert Biswas-Diener
Title/Position: Senior Editor
School/Organization: Noba Psychology
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 5th, 2014

Hello Colleagues,

I wanted to let anyone teaching social psychology or Intro next semester know about an interesting potential assignment and great opportunity for students. My father Ed Diener's non-profit organization, the Diener Education Fund, is offering $10,000 in awards for short student-made videos focused on the topic of "Social Influence". The top 3 videos will not only win cash awards but will be included in a Noba Psychology digital textbook for other students to watch and learn from.

The submission deadline is March 27th, 2015. You can find all details, guidelines, and entry form for the 2015 Noba Student Video Award by visiting:

Thanks also for your help in spreading the word.

Robert-Biswas Diener
Senior Editor
Noba Project

Attachment: 2015 Noba Psychology Student Video Award .pdf

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