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 NSF Understanding the Brain Activities
Posted by: Kerry Marsh
Title/Position: Program Director, Social Psychology
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 13th, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to bring to your attention several NSF Understanding the Brain activities ( that are related to President Obama’s BRAIN initiative ( For those of you who do social neuroscience research, or are considering an extension of your work in such a direction, the following may be relevant.

NSF 14-611: Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (NSF-NCS):

If you are submitting a grant proposal to the NSF Social Psychology program but wish to add activities that can have transformative/integrative impact on neural and cognitive systems as well, you might consider the CORE+EXTENSIONS proposals funded in NSF-NCS which can provide support for those additional activities. No Letter of Intent is required for these, and grant proposals are submitted under our usual target dates for proposals (i.e., January 15/July 15 for Social Psychology Program). But note as well the added supplementary documents required for adding a CORE + EXTENSIONS component to your proposal:

NSF-NCS will also fund INTEGRATIVE FOUNDATIONS awards for foundational advances that connect to a broad scope of questions in cognitive and neural systems. Such proposals require submitting a Letter of to that program by December 10th, with full proposals due January 26th, 2015.

For general inquiries about the NSF-NCS solicitation contact; for specific questions about submitting a Social Psychology proposal with a NSF-NCS CORE+EXTENSION component, please contact Kerry Marsh ( or Sally Dickerson (

In addition, a Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 14-125) explains how long-term partnerships among industry, government, and academia (I/UCRCs, NSF 13-594) will be used to support research on understanding the brain’s structure and function. Finally, another Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 14-126) signals NSF’s intention to support an Ideas Lab, an intensive workshop focused on multiscale integration of brain activity, structure, and function.

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