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 Meta-Analysis: Extended theory of planned behavior
Posted by: Ryan Paquin
Title/Position: Research Associate
School/Organization: Fors Marsh Group
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: August 5th, 2014

A colleague and I are conducting a meta-analysis of research that incorporates identity as an additional predictor of behavioral intention and/or behavior in the theory of planned behavior (TPB). In an effort to include as many relevant studies as possible, I am putting out a general call for studies that have not been published or are otherwise likely to have been excluded from research databases (e.g., conference presentations). For this project, we are interested in primary studies that follow Fishbein and Ajzen’s recommended procedures for conducting TPB research and include at least one measure of identity (e.g., self-identity, group identification, behavioral prototypes, etc.). We are also interested in studies that include measures of past behavior and observed behavior, though these variables are not necessary for inclusion in the meta-analysis.

For any researchers with such information who are willing to help us, we would need three things: (1) the study-level correlation matrix of identity and TPB variables (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention); (2) examples of the items used to measure those key constructs (or a copy of the questionnaire) along with descriptive statistics—including means, standard deviations and reliabilities; and (3) the sample size and a brief description of participants.

If you have conducted research using an extended TPB model that includes a measure of identity and would be willing to contribute to our meta-analysis, we would be extremely grateful. Please email me the details of your study at

Ryan S. Paquin, Ph.D.
Research Associate | Fors Marsh Group
1010 N. Glebe Rd, Suite 510
Arlington, VA 22201

Phone: 571 858 3758

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