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 Social Seat Open on APA Science Student Council
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Science Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 30th, 2014

Graduate Students: Apply Now to Join the Science Student Council

The Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association (APA) is currently accepting applications for positions on the APA Science Student Council (SSC). Formed in 1993, the SSC is a diverse group of research-oriented psychology graduate students who serve as an advisory group to the APA Science Directorate and Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA). The SSC provides valuable advice to the Directorate and BSA on how to best serve the science student population. It is also involved in other projects, including awarding prizes for graduate-level research, organizing student programs for the APA Convention, writing newsletter articles, learning about and participating in advocacy for psychological funding, and making recommendations on the Directorate's student programs. The SCC works cooperatively with the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS).

Applications are now invited for 2-year terms beginning September 1, 2014. By the beginning of the term, new SSC members must have completed at least 1 year of graduate school and have at least 2 years of graduate school remaining before receiving their doctoral degrees. SSC members are required to attend two weekend meetings per year in Washington, DC, at APA's expense, with the potential to attend additional optional APA governance events. In addition, SSC members are expected to remain available via email during an unofficial third (non-meeting) year to advise new members (this third year can be postdoctoral).

Five positions are available on the SSC for the September 2014 to September 2016 term. One person in each of the following areas of research will be selected:

--Behavioral Neuroscience
--Clinical Science
--Health Psychology

Applications must be submitted electronically by June 5, 2014, at 11:59pm. More details, including how to apply, are on the SSC website. Please direct questions to the APA Science Directorate by telephone (202) 336-6000 or

Learn more about the SSC and its current projects at the website:

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