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 SPP Special Issue on Null Findings
Posted by: Joel A. Middleton
Title/Position: Visiting Assistant Professor
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 1st, 2014

Dear Colleague,

A call for papers or a special issue on null findings: The publication of null findings is essential for the scholarly advancement of scientific theory. Nonetheless, many null findings are difficult to publish. In this special issue of Statistics, Politics and Policy we will highlight studies that make a theoretical contribution to their fields by failing to find statistically significant results. We are particularly interested in papers that, in reaching a null result, make a theoretical contribution by challenging the prevailing theories or conventional wisdom – for example, failing to replicate previously-published findings or finding no support for common modeling assumptions. We also welcome papers theorizing about null findings and providing empirical analysis of the prevalence of publication bias in various fields.

About the Journal: Statistics, Politics, and Policy studies the ways that statistical analysis drives public policy decisions, and publishes significant research on the application of statistical ideas to problems that relate to policy implementation.

Statistics, Politics, and Policy will use a mix of voices and approaches to reach a broad audience. The journal aims to open avenues of communication between statisticians and policy makers on questions that pique the interest of the public. The journal will appeal to statisticians, policy analysts, and anyone interested in the implicit yet powerful ways that statistical thinking influences decisions that affect many aspects of public life.

The range of topics is wide and will include areas such as educational testing and policy, energy and environmental policy including demography and climate change, public finance, history and review of statistical ideas applied to public policy controversies, taxation and business policy, justice, crime and forensic analyses, health policy including health care finance, drug development, approval and monitoring, politics, sociological policy analyses, statistical methodology including study design and causal inference, and survey methods. In all the areas noted above, the primary objective of the journal will be to highlight the use of innovative statistical methodology in order to elucidate and resolve important public policy issues.

Editorial Policy: SPP aims for expeditious review, requesting that reviewers provide their feedback within 3 weeks. Authors are also encouraged to provide reviews from previous submissions to peer-review journals to expedite the review process. All manuscript selections shall be reviewed be based on the strength of quality, originality and contribution to knowledge.

Please see our website at: for more information and submission instructions.

Best Regards,

Joel A. Middleton
Editor in Chief

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