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 Brooklyn conference on Families and HIV/AIDS
Posted by: Jason Young
Title/Position: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
School/Organization: Hunter College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 12th, 2005

NIMH Annual Research Conference on the Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS

(July 19-22, 2005)

Marriott Hotel at the Brooklyn Bridge
333 Adams Street
Brooklyn, New York
718 246-7000; 718 246-0563 (Fascimile)

This upcoming conference has several free sections; deadlines posted in the links below have been waived and registration is still open. Here is the URL for on-line registration and for a description of the conference.

Draft agenda for the first two days (see web site for full agenda):

Part I. Community Partnership Satellite Meeting

July 19, Tuesday

8:30 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am: Welcoming and Overview
Robert H. Remien, Ph.D., Columbia University
Joyce Hunter, D.S.W., Columbia University
Bruce Rapkin, Ph.D., Memorial-Sloan Kettering

9:10 am: Keynote Address

Chair: Bill Stackhouse, Ph.D., NYCDOHMH
Christopher Bates, Acting Director, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

9:25 am: Keynote Panel: Why Partnership?
Alma Candelas, M.P.H., NYSDOH AIDS Institute
Soraya Elcott, Harlem United
Claude Mellins, Ph.D., HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Fatima Prioleau, Activist

10:00 am: Break

10:10 am: Session I: “’’

11:50 am: Lunch
Keynote Speaker: Willo Pequegnat, PhD, NIMH

1:10 pm: Session II: ‘‘’’ (continued)

2:50 pm: Break

3:00 pm: Feedback from Groups: Presentation of Partnership Plans

3:40 pm: Evaluation of the Day, Forms/Incentives
Cindy Gordon, PhD, NYCDOHMH

4:10 pm: Reception
Len McNally, New York Community Trust

5:30 pm: Adjourn

Part II: International Day: Trauma, HIV, and Families

July 20, Wednesday

10:00 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks
Thomas Insel, M.D., NIMH
Ellen Stover, Ph.D., NIMH
Willo Pequegnat, Ph.D., NIMH

10:25 am: Chair: TBN

10:30 am: Suniti Solomon, M.D.
YRG Care Foundation, Chennai, India
Impact of the Tsunami on Families in Chennai and AIDS Prevention

10:50 am: Steve Krauss
Chief, HIV/AIDS Branch, United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Programs for Families and Children

11:10 am: Break

11:30 am: Carl Bell, M.D.
University of Illinois, Chicago
Is Education and Condom Distribution Enough to Stop AIDS in Africa?

11:50 am: Judy Kuriansky, Ph.D.
Representative to United Nations
Children in China

12:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm: Mark A. Belsey, M.D.
Consultant, U.N. Department of Economics and Social Affairs
AIDS and the Family: Policy Options for a Crises in Family Capital

1:50 pm: Beatrice Krauss, Ph.D.
Hunter College
Families and Mental Health Following 9/11

2:10 pm: Susan Allen, M.D.
Emory University
Couples HIV Counseling and Testing in Two African Capitals

2:30 pm: Break

3:00 pm: Felton Earls, M.D.
Harvard University
Ecology of HIV/AIDS and Child Mental Health in Tanzania

3:20 pm: Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Wayne State University
Adolescent Risk Reduction in the Bahamas: Peers and Parents

3:40 pm: General Discussion

4:00 pm: Reception

5:00 pm: Adjournment

Part III. Scientific Meeting
July 21, Thursday

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