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 Postdoc position in Affective Neuroscience at KSU
Posted by: Dr. Will Kalkhoff
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Kent State University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 10th, 2014

Pending budgetary approval, the Kent Electrical Neuroimaging Laboratory (KENL), a consortium of faculty from the departments of Biology, Psychology, and Sociology at Kent State University, seeks outstanding applicants for a postdoctoral research fellowship beginning June 1, 2014. This full-time, one-year Fellowship is renewable for an additional year (contingent on success). Salary and benefits are consistent with NIH guidelines. The successful candidate will work closely with consortium faculty to participate in productive multidisciplinary research programs and seek extramural funding. The Research Fellow will have access to professional development opportunities (e.g., methods workshops, grant-writing seminars), a stipend for books, travel, supplies, etc., and additional resources (e.g., small research and consultation awards). KENL’s research is enriched by strong, collaborative ties with local universities and hospitals, including University Hospitals (UH), Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), and the Cleveland Clinic.


KENL is dedicated to successfully creating a self-sustaining program of research broadly focused on elucidating the neurobehavioral correlates of individual/social functioning and well-being. We seek a postdoctoral Research Fellow, who has completed (or will complete by the start of the position) a PhD in in cognitive and affective neuroscience and who already possesses expertise collecting and analyzing EEG data. Ideally, the Research Fellow will also possess the background and expertise to assist with collaborative fMRI studies with our strategic partners at UH/CWRU and the Cleveland Clinic. Additional training and expertise in EEG and fMRI will be available as the Research Fellow participates in on-going studies and contributes to new research projects and grant applications. Current projects focus on learning and disease processes (Dr. Clements, Biological Sciences), the neurobehavioral bases of normative and disordered emotion regulation and the neurobehavioral bases of mindfulness meditation (Dr. Fresco, Psychology), as well as the multi-level neural and social substrates of empathy, social bonding, and morality (Dr. Kalkhoff, Sociology). The Research Fellow will nominally have an appointment within the Department of Psychology, but will work with KENL scholars on existing projects and will be encouraged to initiate their own program of research.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Kent State is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Send application materials, including statements of research interests, curriculum vitae, copies of publications and other supporting materials, and three letters of recommendation by email to Ms. Sandra Thouvenin .

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