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 Summer Internships Available
Posted by: Wendy Berry Mendes
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of California, San Francisco
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 14th, 2014

Summer Internships Available at the Emotion, Health and Psychophysiology Lab at UC San Francisco

We are currently accepting applications for summer interns at the Emotion, Health and Psychophysiology Lab at UC San Francisco under the direction of Wendy Berry Mendes. We offer a nine-week internship program (June 16 – August 15) for undergraduates who are interested in conducting research at the intersection of social psychology, emotion, psychophysiology, and neuroendocrinology. Interns are involved in conducting studies, acquiring autonomic and neuroendocrine data, editing and scoring physiological responses, and attending weekly tutorials and lab meetings. This internship is ideal for those students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in psychology or medicine. Most interns receive funding or course credit from their own university, but there are a few stipends available.

If you are interested in applying to be a summer intern please email your resume/vita to by March 21st. Selected interns will be notified by April 11th and stipend awardees will be notified soon after.

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